Hello there, I'm Vinay, currently serving as the Vice President (Tech) at Goldman Sachs India, based in Bangalore. I hold Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science from IIIT-Hyderabad, where I focused my thesis on Natural Language Processing (NLP). My journey includes active involvement in open-source software development, highlighted by my participation in GSoC-2017. My passion lies in algorithm development, spanning both software engineering and data science realms. Whether it's the thrill of competitive programming or the depth of research, I find myself equally engaged. As such, my professional identity blends the roles of developer and researcher seamlessly.


Integrated B.Tech. and Masters in Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA: 9.0 (Msc)


Senior Secondary School
A. N. Deo Public School, Chhapra, Bihar
Perecentage: 93%


Secondary School
Kendriya Vidyalaya Mathura Cantt, Mathura, U.P
CGPA: 10.0



Vice President
Goldman Sachs, Bangalore, India

  • Analysing and stress-testing trading pipelines to be migrated to our micro-services from the existing monolith systems.
  • Worked on a business-agnostic state machine system to connect clients to the front desk for fetching quotes and trading enquiries from GS side.
  • Stress-tested and migrated client services from a venue-based pipeline to direct connectivity for ad-hoc monitoring and better pricing.
  • Worked on setting up service instances across the globe for our systems to have low latency and high availability.
  • Implemented multiple throttling algorithms for orders placed on a single and multi-threads to different stock exchanges worldwide.

Jan 2021 - Present
Bangalore, India

Sr. Software Engineer (Research)
Samsung Research, Bangalore, India

  • Worked on DAG-based Blockchain to conceptualize an embedded device-based ledger. Which in turn lowers the latency and throughput of the overall network.
  • Worked on Knowledge graph-based profile building using Information extraction from unstructured data sources for a user on smart devices. Improved the entity matching accuracy by 30% using hybrid NLP approaches.
  • Worked on ideas for building applications as well as publishing research papers in the Blockchain domain.

June 2019 - Dec 2020
Bangalore, India

Research Intern
Omniscien Technology, Thailand

The work was focused on the process of augmenting text data using processes used in computer vision for low-resourced languages for Neural Machine Translation tasks as well as building a language dictionary using parallel corpus available under Prof. Philipp Koehn from Johns Hopkins University.

May 2018- Aug 2018
Bangkok, Thailand

Software Developer
Google Summer of Code

Participated in the Google Summer of Code'17 as an open-source software developer for Apertium organization to work on project named "automatic blank handling" in the process of machine translation.

May 2017 - Aug 2017
Apertium (Remote)


Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Abusive Language Online, EMNLP 2018
Brussels, Belgium

Aggression Detection on Social Media Text Using Deep Neural Networks

Nov 2018


Proceedings of the Seventh Named Entities Workshop, ACL-2018
Melbourne, Australia

Named entity recognition for hindi-english code-mixed social media text

July 2018


Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying, LREC-2020
Marseille, France (Virtual)

A Multi-Dimensional View of Aggression when voicing Opinion

May 2020


Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Modeling of People’s Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social Media, PEOPLES 2018
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

A Dataset of Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text for Hate Speech Detection

June 2018


Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2018: Student Research Workshop, 2018
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Corpus Creation and Emotion Prediction for Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text

June 2018


15th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2018

A Dataset for Detecting Irony in Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text

June 2018


19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, CICLing-2018
Hanoi, Vietnam

A Corpus of English-Hindi Code-Mixed Tweets for Sarcasm Detection

May 2018


19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, CICLing-2018
Hanoi, Vietnam

An English-Hindi Code-Mixed Corpus: Stance Annotation and Baseline System

May 2018


ACL Student Research Workshop (SRW), ACL-SRW, 2019
Florence, Italy

Named Entity Recognition in Telugu-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text

July 2019



Semantic Similarity
Natural Language Application

Worked on algorithm to measure the degree of equivalence in the underlying semantics of paired snippets of text in both Hindi and English.

Spring 2018

Wiki Search Engine
Information Retrieval and Extraction

A search engine that uses the 62GB wiki dump to create an index based on the sections the words belongs and at last give back the top ranked documents using tf-idf scores for a given query.

Monsoon 2017

Extractive text summarization
Natural Language Understanding

Implemented an extractive text summarization method, which uses the graph based text ranking algorithm to rank between the sentences and gives out the summary in the mentioned/required number of sentences.

Monsoon 2017

News Popularity Prediction
Machine Learning

Built a model using SVM and Random Forest routines to classify (predict) news articles into two /three classes after feature selection using BIC.

Spring 2017

Fact Checking
Natural Language Processing

Implemented a triplet extraction method to validate a fact. This handles only the factul data present in our corpus.

Spring 2016


Committee member and Reviewer
Workshop on Online Abuse and Harm, EMNLP-2020


Committee member and Reviewer
Abusive langauge Workshop, ACL-2019


Research Assistant
Language Technology and Research Centre

Aug 2018 - May 2019

Teaching Assistant
Hindi Literature, Intro to Sanskrit

Jan 2018 - Apr 2018 and Jan 2019 - Apr 2019

Sports Secretary
Physical Education Centre

Aug 2016 - July 2017

Mentor GSoC
Apertium, Google Summer of Code

May 2018 - Aug 2018

GCI Mentor
Apertium, Google Code-In

Nov 2017 - Feb 2018